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演唱歌手:New Order
在28年的音乐事业中,他们不只一次地改变流行音乐的面貌。首先以Joy Division为团名为在乐坛投入一颗震撼弹,做出沉重且纤细、冷冰冷却充满哀伤的音乐:”Love Will Tear Us Apart“被评选为“史上英国人所写的25大最佳歌曲之一”。接着,他们以New Order为团名创作出领先舞曲界数光年、全球史上最畅销的12吋单曲"Blue Monday",并创造出“疯狂曼彻斯特”(Madchester)乐派,并蔚为风潮。
Singles is a 2CD set of the very cream of eighties pioneers, New Order, from the very first single "Blue Monday" to their latest, "Waiting for the Siren’s Call".
Disc: 1
1. Ceremony
2. Procession
3. Everything's Gone Green
4. Temptation
5. Blue Monday
6. Confusion
7. Thieves Like Us
8. Perfect Kiss
9. Subculture
10. Shellshock
11. State Of The Nation
12. Bizarre Love Triangle
13. True Faith
14. 1963
15. Touched By The Hand Of God
Disc: 2
1. Blue Monday
2. Fine Time
3. Round And Round
4. Run 2
5. World In Motion
6. Regret
7. Ruined In A Day
8. World (Price Of Love)
9. Spooky
10. Crystal
11. 60mph
12. Here To Stay
13. Krafty
14. Jetstream
15. Waiting For The Sirens' Call
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