中国水仙花属石葱科、水仙属多年生草本植物,鳞茎生得颇象洋葱、大蒜、故六朝时称“雅蒜”、宋 代称“天葱”。之后,人们还给她取了不少巧妙、美丽的名字,如金盏、银台、俪兰、雅客、女星等等。 关于水仙花有许多优美动人的民间故事和传说。
据说,宋代时,有一闽籍的京官告老回乡,当他乘船南返,将要回到家乡漳州时,见河畔长有一种水本植物,并开着芳香的小白花,便叫人采集一些,带回培植。 据《蔡坂乡张氏谱记》载;明朝景泰年间,他们的祖宗张光惠在京都做学官,一年冬天请假回乡,船过江西吉水,发现近岸水上,有叶色翠绿、花朵黄白、清香扑鼻的野花,于是拾回蔡板栽培育成新卉传下。
传说崇明水仙来自福建。 那是唐代则天女皇要百花同时开放于她的御花园,天上司花神不敢违旨,福建的水仙花六姐妹当然也不例外,被迫西上长安。小妹妹不愿独为女皇一人开花,只行经长江口,见江心有块净土,就悄悄溜下在崇明岛。 所以,福建水仙五朵花一株开,崇明水仙一朵怒放。 Narcissus and Echo (a Greek myth) 水仙与回声(希腊神话) Long ago a beautiful boy named Narcissus was born. An oracle told his mother that he could live forever, but only if he never saw his reflection. Echo, a nymph, used to be the goddess Juno's servant. Echo liked to gossip, and often told lies about the gods. One day, Juno became angry and sent Echo away to live in the forest, saying, "As punishment for your lies, from this day forward you will only be able to repeat what others have spoken." One day Echo saw Narcissus. She fell in love with him at first sight. Echo quietly began to follow him. How she longed to be able to say, "I love you." She started to cry. Narcissus turned. "Is someone here?" "Here," Echo whispered. Narcissus saw no one. "Come here," he cried. "Come here," Echo answered. Now the young man was angry. "Who are you? What do you want?" The nymph rushed from her hiding place and tried to kiss him, but Narcissus pushed her away. "No! Go away! I will die before I love you!"
"I love you!" she answered, her heart broken.
Narcissus ran away. He reached a stream. When he leaned over to take a drink, he saw his beautiful face reflected in the water. He had never seen his reflection before, so he thought that his reflection must be someone who lived in the stream. He fell in love with this beautiful person. He leaned over to kiss the person in the stream, but when he did, the person vanished. "Come back," Narcissus cried, but every time he tried to kiss his love, the reflection disappeared. Narcissus could not bear to leave his love, and so he began to waste away. Finally, he died. Echo, too, wasted away, leaving behind only her voice. It is Echo's voice that sometimes answers us in the mountains. Narcissus' body disappeared, and in its place beside the stream grew some beautiful flowers with silvery-green leaves and golden petals. These flowers have been known ever since as narcissus.
在最初最初的梦里 在那痴狂的少年时 我窥见你的容颜 在那流水的清波里 丝绸一般的优雅 刀剑一般的骄傲 人们都传说你的美貌 让天神嫉妒锝发狂
在明波如镜的湖畔 你对着自己的倒影沉思 一天天迷惘 一天天憔悴 终于倒在如画的岸边 妒火中烧的女神 露出得意的微笑
人们都传说你爱上了自己 苦恋的结果是生命消逝 有善意的悲悯 也有恶意的讥嘲 传说神惋惜你的美貌 让你的灵魂化身成花 临波照影年复一年
我知道那种花 本是生长在泥土中 直到被出售时才被挖掘 被卵石清水供奉起 顾影自怜暗憔悴 还要以为它多么清高 夜里它是不是会哭
在千万年后的凡尘 在朦胧虚幻的夜里 我望见你忧郁的灵魂 在月光下的明镜里 水波一样清澈 磐石一样坚固 你说你是真的爱自己 人们都应该爱自己 只是不需要痴迷 只是不需要诅咒