有的时候人需要一些运气,才能够让自己发光发热,在人生道路上走的更为顺畅,当然音乐也是一样,有的时候一首超级完美歌曲,就是因为当时的天时地利人合都不对,硬生生埋没掉一首好歌,连带一位好歌手/乐团都随著陪葬。这个事实用在才子Matt Hales化名Aqualung身上再恰当不过,搭配福斯新款金龟车广告全面放送,〈Strange And Beautiful(I'll Put a Spell on You)〉就这样成为眾所瞩目点播率超高歌曲,让原本搞了几年音乐总是没起色,前途堪虑甚至要放弃的Matt,产生一道曙光,同样重燃起唱片公司对他的信心。
Aqualung - Glimmer
I know that I was lost
And I know that it was too too hard
And although it isn't much
I give you all I have.
There's a mirror in the old place
A place where we would stand
And wonder at our sweet sweet selves
Smiling hand in hand
This wasn't what we planned.
Though the night has fallen
I close my eyes and imagine
A tiny glimmer flickering on the horizon.
It takes time to get it right
Takes no time to get it wrong.
I can't believe I didn't see
The ground was caving in
Oh, can we just start again?
Everyday, everyday
Living my life like it's over
Like it's over and deep underground.
Little look, little smile
Flick the switch and it's over
Like it's lost and can never be found.
But maybe there's a tiny glow
That won't die and won't leave us. A lone
Star shining. The sun is rising.
There's a tiny glimmer flickering on the horizon.
Can you see it? Can you see it there?
Can you see it? Can you see it there's
A tiny glimmer flickering on the horizon.
专辑名称:Aqualung - The Memory Man
◎以福斯汽车广告曲〈Strange And Beautiful〉登上英国金榜Top7之英国全才创作歌手最新专辑
◎Dan Swift(Snow Patrol、The Bluetones)製作,专业乐评网站AMG四星好评
◎美丽动人抒情小品〈Garden Of Love〉有请苏格兰Dream Pop团体The Blue Nile主唱/吉他手Paul Buchanan助唱
出生英国南安普顿,家人经营一间独立唱片行,让Matt Hales很早便开啟对音乐的兴趣,四岁就藉著家人的钢琴开始学创作,16岁领到奖学金去研习作曲能力,隔年完成第一首个人交响乐作品,自己指挥60人的管絃乐团演出。有著古典底子的Matt,对於时下流行的摇滚乐同样著迷不已,曾在唸大学期间在校门口卖起与哥哥Ben翻唱The Police乐团歌曲的卡带。无论曾组织起The 45s亦或The Ruth,也签下合约发行作品,但都没引起太多迴响。直到2002年的〈Strange And Beautiful(I'll Put a Spell on You)〉单曲登上英国金榜Top7,终於打响知名度,连首张同名专辑都有金唱片纪录,隔年再接再厉问世的《Still Life》,同名单曲获选黛咪摩儿小老公艾希顿库奇,加上青春偶像艾曼达皮特联合主演的爱情喜剧片『再见钟情/ A Lot Like Love』之重点衬乐。
全新大作《Memory Man》,除了Matt与Ben Hales兄弟两共通监製外,还请到Dan Swift(Snow Patrol、The Bluetones、Vega 4)参与操盘,首週进入美国专辑榜Top88。开场曲〈Cinderella〉瀰漫在电气迷离情节中,时而虚幻飘邈摸不著边际,时而重力加速度般敲打出十足摇滚力道,交相错杂的令人身陷其中无法自拔;接著首波强打〈Pressure Suit〉,漆美交织出完美动人音乐图像,Matt轻柔真假音唱腔谱入,紧紧扣住聆听者的注意力;Acoustic吉他轻播吟唱〈Glimmer〉,简单勾起新式民谣那份写意,一份感性的静态美,无比魅力的蔓延至〈Rolls So Deep〉之中,轻盈可爱的音调配上Matt歌声显得格外温和柔雅;美丽动人的抒情小品〈Garden Of Love〉,找来苏格兰Dream Pop团体The Blue Nile主唱/吉他手Paul Buchanan助唱,淡淡平实音符包裹著无比强烈情感,以深刻细腻与极具张力方式,交融出最真诚精緻杰作。