Gary Barlow的名字对很多人来说或许是陌生的,然而了解90年代欧美流行音乐的人是绝对不会忽视Take That这个偶像乐队的.作为乐队的创作灵魂和主唱,Gary Barlow带领Robbie Williams, Mark Owen,Howard Donald和Jason Orange以时尚的Euro-dance为基调,配以优美的英式和声,以其独特魅力红遍了地球的每一个角落,在6年时间里创造了无数辉煌.乐队解散后,Gary,Robbie和Mark分别开始了个人单飞音乐生涯.Gary Barlow于1997年推出了首张单飞专辑"Open Road",当中的音乐沿袭了Take That时期的抒情曲风.他的才气得到了包括Madonna在内的乐坛风云人物的肯定和赞许,Madonna甚至还为他量身订作了一曲'Love Won't Wait'.专辑中的'Forever'成为了冠军单曲,这首歌充分展示了他的创作与演唱才华,曲中情绪的把握准确到位,令人动容的钢琴伴奏做了精致的铺垫,成为了他单飞代表作品.[mp=1][/mp]
歌手:Gary Barlow (盖瑞巴洛) 专辑:Open Road
Love it has so many beautiful faces
Sharing lives and sharing days
My love it has so many empty spaces
I'm sharing a memory now I hope that's how it stays
Now I'm deep inside love and still breathing
She is holding my heart in her hand
I'm the closest I've been to believing this could be love forever
All throughout my life the reasons I've demanded
But how can I reason with the reason I'm a man
Oh, oh yeah, ummm huh In a minute I'm needing to hold her
In an hour I'm cold, cold as stone
When she leaves it gets harder and harder to face life alone
Now my dreams are filled with times when we're together
Guess what I need from her is forever love
Ooh, ooh yeah oooh umm Oh, oh yeah
Now I feel forever love oooh Oh, I feel
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